Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Finale

Wow. The last post. A wonderful journey concluded. And even more memorable as this module is the final chapter of my NUS undergraduate study. I had spent an entire semester with a fantastic bunch of people. Classes were fun and interactive, which is what should be the case for all classes.

I am glad I took this course for various reasons. I came to realize that communication skills play an important role in every aspect of one's life. Throughout this course, I learnt the finer aspects of communication. Through its challenges, I learnt to come to terms with the communication skills I posses and build on those foundations to improve myself. Through the intensive coursework, I worked to improve on my communication skills which, otherwise, I would not have done, ever. Through its assignment, I wrote a resume and an application letter, which indeed proved useful for my job applications. This course has, time and time again, proven its usefulness to me and I must say that the benefits will certainly last a lifetime.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time during the course. All the enthusiasm shown by everyone certainly made the class lively. The laughter and storytelling will be missed. I met new people, made new friends, got closer to those I already know. I wish the good times will last but all things will come to an end.

Lastly, thanks everyone for making the class what it is. I wish you all the best in your future undertakings. Keep in touch!!!

P.S. A special mention of thanks to our dear Brad for all his effort, commitment, understanding and patience. The class wouldn’t be there without you (literary and figuratively).


  1. Hey Jonathan,
    I agree with you that we should give Brad the credit for making this course valuable, by providing us the timely feedback on how to improve ourselves. Also, I agree with you that this course has provided us with the opportunity to improve ourselves, enabled us to effectively communicate in various situations - be it professional situations or our daily lives.

    It was great having you as a classmate. All the best for your exams!:)

  2. Thanks, Jon, for this clear and concise final statement. Your enthusiasm for the course shines through, as does the fact that you were witness to lots of good camaraderie and a participant in many fine efforts during the last 13 weeks. Much appreciated, man!

    And best of luck as you pursue your dreams in the nest stage of your life!

  3. Hi Jon,

    I agree with Brad that your final post is sharp and points out the essence of the course and its benefits very accurately.

    I never regret taking this module with you man although we were all confused about this choice initially.


  4. Hi Jon,

    I agree with your point about how this course has made us more aware of our own communication skills, and spurred us to continuing improving on it. The course is also very useful indeed in many aspects, no matter what field we end up in the future.

    Also, who would have thought that we will end up doing the project together again! It has been great working with you, especially since this is the last semester we have in NUS! As we move on from NUS and start working, I have a feeling that we will probably look back longingly on classes like this.

    Best of luck!
